9 Difference between Transmission and Distribution Line

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In underground cable and overhead line difference, we have seen the basic concepts of the transmission and distribution networks.

The main function of these networks is to efficiently transport the electricity and to build an entire power system of generation to consumption.

In this article, we will study what is the difference between Transmission and Distribution Line.

Transmission vs. Distribution Power Lines

Let’s compare the transmission and distribution lines with multiple specifications.

01What is transmission and distribution system?The network of the conductors carries the bulk electrical power from the generating power station to substations. This network is called a Transmission system.The network of the conductors carries electrical power from the substations to the consumers’ end. This network is called a Distribution system
02Signal & Three Phase SystemThe transmission system requires a three-phase three-wire (i.e. delta connection) system. The distribution system requires A three-phase four-wire or single phase (i.e. star connection) system.
03Carrying capacity of VoltageIt carries an extra-high voltage (range from 69 kV to 765 kV).It carries a low voltage (range from 220 V to below 69kV).
04Carrying capacity of
It has a high current carrying capacity. It has a low current carrying capacity.
05Size of the conductorTransmission lines are thicker than the distribustion lines.Distribution lines are thinner than transmission lines.
06 Types of Transmission and distribustion linesThe transmission system is classified into three parts.
Long transmission lines
Medium transmission lines
Short transmission lines
The distribution system is classified into three parts.
Radial distribution lines
Ring distribution lines
Interconnected distribution lines
07Power transmission and distribution Transmission lines are designed to transfer large amounts of power over a long distance. Distribution lines are designed to transfer small amounts of power over a short distance.
08Insulation It is not insulated. It is mostly insulated.
09Tower ConstructionA high length tower is mostly constructed to support overhead tramsimission lines.A small length tower is mostly constructed to support overhead distribution lines as compared to the transmission lines tower.
These are all basic concepts of the difference between transmission and distribution line.

If you have any queries regarding transmission vs distribution power lines, drop your comment below.

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