How to Stay Safe from Electric Shock at Home?

Electric shock is a very real threat to you and your loved ones. Electric shock is a prevalent risk to all of us. Most people are unaware that there are ways that you can easily stay safe from electric shocks at home.

The chances of getting an electric shock in your hand or leg are often higher than with other parts of your body, like your head or feet. Electric shocks happen due to an object touching a live wire or a metallic body without ground.

In today’s society, we rely on electricity to keep us warm, light the way, and run almost every part of our lives. You must also be careful with any electrical device because it could cause severe injury or death.

How to avoid an electric shock at home?

The truth is electricity can be dangerous if not used correctly by following these simple points.

  1. The best way to avoid electric shock is by not using power tools in wet conditions or with wet hands. You should also ensure that your work area is clear of debris and any objects that can catch fire.
  2. Use a grounding rod or wire clamps if you are working with live wires. These will prevent you from getting an electric shock if you accidentally touch a live wire. If you get an electric shock, immediately remove yourself from the area and call for help as soon as possible.
  3. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use any electric appliances near it.
  4. Do not use electrical items near water or wet surfaces.
  5. Do not plug in or unplug electrical equipment while bathing, swimming or showering.
  6. Keep loose wires away from sockets and avoid exposed cords that may become damaged by water.

How can an electric shock be prevented?

Let’s follow some precautions to avoid electric shock.

  1. Unplug the electrical and electronic appliances when not in use.
  2. Ensure you have installed a fuse or circuit breaker for your appliances.
  3. Never touch a live wire with your bare hands or body parts, even if you think it’s no longer connected to anything else.
  4. Turn off the circuit breaker at the main panel before working on any electrical equipment or systems.
  5. Turn off any power strips before working on them, especially if they are plugged into a wall outlet close to your work area or if someone else might be using them during your work session.

Electric shock is a severe hazard in the home. You see, it’s not always apparent that you’ve been exposed (or effected) to an electric shock; you may feel faint, dizzy, get a headache, or experience nausea.The electric shock can worsen the situation if an electric current passes through your body for a long time. This may lead to life loss also.

Final Words

Most people are likely not familiar with what causes electrical shock and the dangers associated with it. One reason for this is that most people don’t have any education about electrical shock. Electric shock can be a life-threatening injury. Learning and practicing the safe handling of electrical devices is essential to keep you and your family safe.

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