Top 7 Difference between Resistance and Reluctance

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In the earlier difference between electrical and magnetic circuit tutorial, we have learned about electromagnetic opposition quantities (which opposes the flow of electric current in the circuit) such as resistance and reluctance.

These two quantities are having same opposition property. But, both have different specifications and used in different circuits.

Difference between Resistance and Reluctance

Resistance vs Reluctance in tabular format.

Sr. No. Content Resistance  Reluctance
1 Definition The property of the device which opposes the flowing current in the electrical circuit is known as Resistance. The property of the device which opposes the flowing magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is known as Reluctance.
2 Representation The resistance is represented by R. The reluctance is represented by S.
3 Used
It is used in an electrical and Electronic circuit. It is used in a magnetic circuit.
4 Formula

Resistance is calculated by using formula-

R = ( EMF / I ) or 
R = ( ρ l / a )


EMF – Electromotive Force
I – Electric Current
ρ – Resistivity
l – Length of the conductor
a – Area of the material

Reluctance is calculated by using formula-

S = ( MMF /‍ Φ ) or
S = ( l / µ a )


MMF – Magnetomotive Force
Φ – Magnetic flux
l – Length of the conductor
µ – Magnetic permeability
a – Area of the material

5 Unit Resistance is measured in Ohm (Ω). Reluctance is measured in Ampere-turns/Weber (AT / Wb).
6  Property
The primary function of resistance is to limit the flow of electric current in an electrical circuit or system. The primary function of reluctance is to limit the flow of magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit.

Circuit Diagram:

Electrical CircuitFigure: Resistance in Electrical Circuit

Magnetic CircuitFigure: Reluctance in Magnetic Circuit

Resistance Calculator formula:

You can calculate the resistance (R) of the circuit from the current (I) and voltage (V) values.

Resistance = (Voltage / Current)  or

Resistance = (Electromotive Force / Current )

Here is a simple calculator you can use to find the resistance.


Reluctance Calculator formula:

You can calculate the reluctance (S) of the circuit from the magnetic flux (Φ) and magnetomotive force (MMF) values.

Reluctance = (Magnetomotive Force / Magnetic Flux )

Here is a simple calculator you can use to find the reluctance.


These are very simple points to understand these points about the difference between resistance and reluctance. If you have any doubts, comment below.

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