Transformer Losses (Core Loss and Copper Loss)

Measurement of Transformer Losses 

Transformer consist of two main important losses such as Copper losses (PC) and Core/Iron (Pi) losses. 

Core loss consist of two losses  like- Eddy Current loss and Hysteresis loss.

So here, I am introducing important for formulas for calculation of transformer losses. 

1. Calculation of Copper Loss:

Copper losses occurs in the transformer windings (from primary winding and secondary winding ). 

Copper Loss, (Pc) = [(I²1*R1)+(I²2*R2)]     (Unit- Watt)


  • I1- Primary Current (Source Current)
  • R1- Primary Ohmic Resistance
  • I2- Secondary Current (Load Current)
  • R2- Secondary Ohmic Resistance

2. Calculation of Eddy Current Loss:

Eddy current loss is measured by using the maximum flux core density (Bm), frequency (f) and lamination thickness (t).

Formula as,

Eddy Current loss, (Pe)= [(ηe)*(B²max)*(F)²*(t)²]    (Unit- Watt)

Where, (ηe)- Constant of eddy current loss.

3. Calculation of Hysteresis Loss:

Hysteresis loss is measured by using the maximum flux core density (Bm), frequency (f) and core volume.

Formula as, 

Hysteresis loss, (Ph)= [(ηh)*(Bmax1.6)*(F)*(V)]      (Unit- Watt)

Where, (ηh)- Constant of hysteresis loss.

4. Calculation of Total Core or Iron Loss:

Total core/iron loss is the combination of the eddy current loss (Pe) and hysteresis loss (Ph) in transformer. 

Total Core Loss, (Pi)= (Pe + Ph)   (Unit- Watt)

These are the different types of transformer losses formula. 

You can easily find out the different types of transformer losses by using these the above online calculator.