What is a Piezoelectricity? | Piezoelectricity vs Ferroelectricity
How can we harvest energy using piezoelectric? What are the difference between piezoelectric and ferroelectric? What are some examples of piezoelectric materials?
by Dipali Chaudhari
How can we harvest energy using piezoelectric? What are the difference between piezoelectric and ferroelectric? What are some examples of piezoelectric materials?
What are the advantages (or pros) and disadvantages (or cons) of ammeter? Explained based on digital and analog ammeter.
What are the different types of ammeter and voltmeter? Explained- Moving iron, Moving coil, Thermal, Electrostatic, Induction and Rectifier instruments.
What is the difference between ammeter and voltmeter? Explained the definition, symbol, circuit connection, ideal resistance of ammeter and voltmeter, types and applications.
What is an inverter? What are the applications of inverter? Importance of inverter – smart grid system, electric vehicles (vehicle to home and vehicle to grid).
What are the difference between relay and contactor? Explained- definition, construction, operation, cost, uses, safety features, applications.
How will thin film technology shape the future of engineering? What are the applications and advantages of thin film technology?
What is the major difference between insulator and dielectric? Is dielectric an insulator? Explained with definition, function, properties, uses, applications, materials.
What is the difference between PCB and PCBA? Explained with definition, full form, requirements, insulation, uses, cost, benefits, and basic specifications.
What are advantages and benefits of PCB over conventional wiring, breadboard and PCBA? Disadvantage of printed circuit board.