4 Difference Between Active & Passive Transformations in Informatica | Examples

A transformation is an Informatica repository object. It processes incoming data to the next transformations or targets.

In the Informatica power center, the designer provides the list of Informatica transformations to perform specific functions as per business logic. There are two types of Informatica transformation. One is an active transformation. And another is a passive transformation.

In this article, we are going to study the comparison of active and passive transformations in Informatica.

Active Transformation vs Passive Transformation in Informatica

Let’s compare,

Active Transformation

  • The transformation which can change or alter the number of records is known as ‘Active Transformation‘.
  • It means that the number of records or rows going to the transformation is not equal to the number of records coming out of the transformation.
  • Active transformation can act as passive transformation.
    For example: Filter transformation is active transformation. However, it can be converted into passive transformation by making the filter condition always ‘TRUE’ or ‘1’.
  • Filter transformation, Aggregator transformation, Sorter transformation, Rank transformation, Joiner transformation, Union transformation, Source qualifier transformation, Normalizer transformation, Update strategy transformation, Transaction control transformation, and XML transformation are examples of active transformations.

Passive Transformation

  • The transformation which cannot change the number of records is known as ‘Passive Transformation‘.
  • In passive transformation, the number of records or rows going to the transformation is equal to the number of records coming out of the transformation.
  • Passive transformation can not act as active transformation.
  • Expression transformation, Sequence generator transformation, Data masking transformation, Input transformation, Output transformation, and HTTP transformation are examples of passive transformations.

These points covered all the basic concepts and also the difference between active and passive transformations in Informatica.

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