6 Difference Between Filter and Router Transformations in Informatica

In the Informatica power center, the filter transformation and router transformation are active types of transformations. Basically, these two transformations work similarly.

However, in the data integration and transformation process, filter and router transformations have different features and purposes.

Let’s explore both transformations with comparison,

Filter Transformation vs Router Transformation in Informatica

#Filter TransformationRouter Transformation
01The main function of filter transformation is to filter the records or rows of data based on specified conditions.The main function of router transformation is to filter the records or rows of data based on multiple conditions and route filter records to separate groups.
02Only one filter condition can be defined in filter transformation.One or more filter conditions can be defined in router transformation.
03This transformation can easily be designed and constructed. The construction and design of this transformation are a little complex as compared to the filter transformation. Developers need to create the number of groups as per the logical conditions or requirements.
04The filter transformation caters like the ‘WHERE’ clause in SQL. The router transformation acts like a ‘CASE’ statement in SQL.
05The filter transformation removes the rejected records. The router transformation allows the rejected records in the default group.
06In this transformation, a single source (or input) can be connected with a single target (or output) table. In this transformation, a single source (or input) can be connected with one or more target (or output) tables.

This is all about the comparison of filter and router transformation.

Hopefully, you have understood and cleared all the basic concepts of these two Informatica transformations.

Thanks for Reading!

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