How to Start and Run MATLAB Simulink model? [with Example]
How to start and Run MATLAB Simulink Model? The example of Sin Wave Model using MATLAB Simulink.
by Dipali Chaudhari
How to start and Run MATLAB Simulink Model? The example of Sin Wave Model using MATLAB Simulink.
What is an electrical transformer? Explanation with definition, construction, diagram, working principle, main parts of transformer, functions, etc.
You must know, What is the basic concept of the electrical circuit? What is the electrical circuit source? (ideal and practical source). What is useful the circuit elements? and all other basic concepts for practical as well as theoretical studies.
Let’s study of the electrical power, What is electrical power?, What are the 3 types of Power Supply? and What is the power factor? with the help of this tutorial.
Here, I shared the microcontroller project based on an automated solar tracking system. Also, I explained each useful hardware components and other pieces of information to design a complete project. This is the short summary of the project I have done.