Proximity Effect in Transmission Line | Causes
What is causes of proximity effect in transmission line? Explained definition, example, affecting factors, and MCQ quiz on proximity effect.
by Dipali Chaudhari
What is causes of proximity effect in transmission line? Explained definition, example, affecting factors, and MCQ quiz on proximity effect.
What is a skin effect in transmission line? Explained it with definition, diagram, formula, calculation of skin depth (δ), factors affecting on this effect,. Online MCQ quiz on skin effect.
What is the surge impedance loading? Explained with Formulas, Circuit & Phasor diagrams. What is the Ferranti effect in transmission line? How to reduce it?
Study of reactive power compensation in power system- Passive & active reactive power compensation, capacitor bank for power factor improvements
What is the corona effect in power system? Explanation with affecting factors, power loss calculation, reducing methods of corona in power system, corona effect mcq quiz.