Why NPN transistors are used more than PNP transistors?
Why NPN transistors are used more than PNP transistors? Which one is preferred? Explained with some basic reasons.
by Dipali Chaudhari
Why NPN transistors are used more than PNP transistors? Which one is preferred? Explained with some basic reasons.
How to identify NPN and PNP transistors using multimeter? Important steps to test NPN transistor and PNP transistor.
What is the difference between npn and pnp transistors? Explained- basic concepts, symbol, use, working role, function. Also described the similarities of PNP and NPN transistors.
What is the difference between stepper motor and servo motor? Advantage and disadvantage of using a stepper motor over a servo motor. Applications, Cost and Industrial examples.
What is the difference between open loop and closed loop control systems? Explained with different specifications, block diagrams & open loop and closed loop control system examples.
What is the difference between the analog and digital multimeter? What is the analog and digital mutlimeter? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an analog and digital multimeter?
What is the difference between analog and digital signal in electronics? Explained with example, diagram, usage and representation.
Best Pulse Oximeter in India for home use. Price and detail of handheld and portable Oximeter. Fingertip oximeter by Dr Trust.
List of electrical and Electronics abbreviation, acronyms.
For Example: What does DC stand for?
Water tank level indicator and monitor system using LEDs, transistor and buzzers. Glow LEDs when tank overflow. Electrical mini project for students.